ECSx5050 StSt NUM+ HL HV Nanopositioners for Ambient and Vacuum Conditions
Icon Load

2 kg

Icon Travel Range Linear

30 mm

Icon Room Temperature

0 .. 55°C

Icon Pressure

1E-8 mbar

Icon Resolution

1 nm


linear bearing based nanopositioner for horizontal motion

The ECSx5050 provides high-resolution positioning over a travel range of 30 mm. For xyz-positioning, two ECSx5050 positioners can be mounted on top of each other and combined with a third one attached to an L-bracket. Its high accuracy is achieved with crossed roller bearings.
The positioner comes with an integrated optoelectronic encoder optimized for low heat generation in vacuum (/NUM+),with high dynamic force for higher loads (/HL) and is designed for high vacuum pressures down to 1 E-8 mbar.
Stainless steel is a rugged, cost effective material for the nanopositioner body that is compatible with demanding vacuum conditions up to UHV.
Cryogenic Tablet


For a detailed definition of used terms and descriptions please visit our Nanopositioners Glossary

Size and Dimensions
footprint; height50 mm x 50 mm; 9.5 mm
maximum installation space50 mm x 81.6 mm; 9.5 mm
weight (stainless steel version)149 g
height9.5 mm
positioner bodystainless steel
actuatorPZT ceramics
connecting wirescopper, jacket: RT: PTFE, HV/UHV: fiberglass
Coarse Positioning Mode
travel range (step mode)30 mm
maximum drive velocity @ 300 K4.5 mm/s
input voltage range0 - 45 V
Fine Positioning Mode
fine linear positioning range @ 300 K1.6 µm
fine positioning resolutionsub-nm
input DC voltage range0 - 45 V
Position Encoder
readout mechanismoptoelectronic sensor
encoded travel rangeentire travel
sensor resolution1 nm
sensor power (when measuring)50 mW
repeatability50 nm (bidirectional)
Load (@ ambient conditions)
maximum load2 kg
maximum dynamic force along the axis5 N
Error Motion
roll E_AXspecified* 1.25 mrad (expected** <0.25 mrad)
pitch E_BXspecified* 1.75 mrad (expected** <1 mrad)
yaw E_CXspecified* 1.25 mrad (expected** <0.35 mrad)
y-Straightness E_YXspecified* 5 µm (expected** <2 µm)
z-Straightness E_ZXspecified* 9 µm (expected** <5 µm)
**expected: typically met by most positioners
General Specifications
environmenthigh vacuum
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