microscopes for nanoscale analytics
Physics & materials science are the driving forces behind technological advancement as far as hardware is concerned. Miniaturization is probably the key trend in many regards, and hence typical structure sizes for potential new devices are routinely created on the nanoscale. In order to characterize and investigate such structures or functionalized surfaces, versatile and powerful scanning probe and confocal microscopes play a crucial role. The mission to enable scientific impact has kept attocube at the frontier of cutting edge research instrumentation. Decades of combined experience in all relevant fields, an excellent team, and close cooperations with some of the world’s leading research institutes have evolved into a broad portfolio of high-end microscopes for quantum optics, nanoscale imaging and infrared spectroscopy (nano-FTIR). Since fundamental research often takes place at low temperatures to reduce noise and to make quantum effects observable at all, many of our microscopes are designed for cryogenic environments and for high magnetic fields. All products are developed in accordance with attocube’s principles of compact design, while maintaining highest standards in terms of user friendliness, ease of integration as well as stable and reliable operation.