

provides complete vibrational analysis at the nanoscale

same spot for nano-IR and nano-Raman/PL spectroscopy

using a single ultrabroadband high-NA parabolic mirror for on-tip focusing

maximum inelastic light scattering signal from the tip 

using strong near-field scattering for perfect focusing

single user interface for all measurement modes

optimized for storing and organizing multidimensional correlative data

IR-neaSCOPE+TERs combines AFM & nano-IR with Raman and Photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy for an ultimate tip-enhanced (TE) characterization using elastic and inelastic light scattering from the same microscope. 

It allows for simple alignment procedure using complementary IR or visible scattering, which delivers robust nanoscale Raman and PL performance.

Customer Feedback

Prof. Rainer Hillenbrand

CIC nanoGUNE Research Center, Co-Founder and Scientific Advisor, San Sebastian, Spain

After many years of research and development in near-field microscopy, we finally made our dream come true to perform infrared imaging & spectroscopy at the nanoscale. With neaSCOPE we can additionally realize Raman, fluorescence and non-linear nano-spectroscopy.

Prof. Yohannes Abate

California State University Long Beach, Nano-Optics, Long Beach, USA

neaspec provides an ideal and reliable near-field optical microscope. Their expertise has proved invaluable in setting up my experiments.

Prof. Volker Dekert

Department of Physics, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany

Working with the very helpful neaspec engineers to customize the IR-neaSCOPE+TERS system has been a major advantage for our research, with the user-friendly software further enhancing our ability to achieve precise and reliable results.

Prof. Dr. Iris Niehues

Quantum Nanophotonics Group, Department of Physics, University of Münster, Germany

The neaspec system has been pivotal in advancing our research on 2D materials and single-photon emitters, achieving optical resolution beyond the diffraction limit for quantum technology applications.