Product Application
33 mins
Applications of nano-IR in Polymer Membranes
Speaker: Oana Cristina David (Tecnalia Research & Innovation)
- learn how to correlate nano-IR, morphology and gas permeability in copolymer membranes,
- understand how crystallinity and phase separation influence gas permeability and membrane performance,
- learn how nano-IR identifies defects, contamination, and correlates structure with performance.
Product Application
77 mins
Cutting-Edge Research with Cryogenic Nanoscopy
Speaker: Alexey Kuzmenko (University of Geneva)
- understand the interplay between 2D electron gas and phonons in low-D materials
- explore how this interplay could be exploited to control phonon-polaritons
- learn the benefits of cryogenic s-SNOM for cutting-edge research of 2D material
Scientific Presentation
22 mins
High pressure quantum sensing
Speaker: Norman Yao (Harvard University, USA)
- exploring high-pressure physics with diamond anvil cells
- integrating sensors in anvils to image stress and magnetism
- imaging superconductivity in cerium hydride under pressure
Scientific Presentation
22 mins
Bound exciton complexes as single photon sources
Speaker: Goki Eda (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
- exploring single photon emission in 2D semiconductors
- analyzing bound excitons through electro- and magneto-optical spectroscopy
- studying magnetic-field effects on exciton complexes in WS2
Scientific Presentation
22 mins
Novel instrumentation for 2D characterization: combined magneto-optical magneto-transport
Speaker: Angela Hight Walker (NIST Gaithersburg, USA)
- characterizing 2D materials with Raman spectroscopy
- discussing magneto-Raman capabilities for spatially-resolved optical measurements
- analyzing quasiparticle interactions in 2D magnetic materials
Scientific Presentation
23 mins
Cryomagnetic Raman and PL micro-spectroscopy of 2D materials using chiral light
Speaker: Jana Vejpravova (Charles University, Czechia)
- samples used include monolayer TMD (molybdenum disulfide) and single-molecule magnets
- utilize Magneto-Raman scattering to explore magnetic orders and spin dynamics
- observed unexpected valley polarization enhancement in mixed-dimensional heterostructures
Scientific Presentation
17 mins
Controlling excitons in van der Waals materials in open optical cavities
Speaker: Lukas Lackner (Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Germany)
- exploring exciton-polariton dynamics in 2D materials
- studying optical cavities in cryostats for cavity QED
- discussing polaritonics at telecommunication wavelengths
Scientific Presentation
21 mins
Scan-probe imaging optical quasiparticles in 2D materials
Speaker: William Wilson (Harvard University, USA)
- investigate twisted bilayer graphene and Moiré patterns
- use nearfield optical microscopy to explore polaritons
- develop large-scale devices with CVD-grown heterostructures
Scientific Presentation
22 mins
Landau phonon polaritons in Dirac heterostructures
Speaker: Mengkun Liu (Stony Brook University, USA)
- demonstrate creation and control of Landau-phonon polaritons
- explore magneto-nanoscopy for polariton research in graphene
- investigate topological phenomena in quantum materials
Scientific Presentation
21 mins
IR and THz nanoscopy of ultra-confined phonon and plasmon polaritons
Speaker: Rainer Hillenbrand (nanoGUNE, Spain)
- study phonon and plasmon polaritons in nanostructures
- use s-SNOM and nano-FTIR to analyze light-matter interactions
- investigate THz plasmon polaritons in silver telluride platelets
Scientific Presentation
22 mins
Structurally engineered a-MoO3 materials for anisotropic phonon polaritonics
Speaker: Qingdong Ou (Macau University of Science and Technology, China)
- manipulate in-plane hyperbolic phonon polaritons in 2D materials
- observe topological transitions and magic angles in phonon polaritons
- explore directional excitation and focusing in polaritonic crystals
Scientific Presentation
18 mins
Engineer polaritons in van der Waals materials
Speaker: Siyuan Dai (Auburn University, USA)
- detail advances in polaritons using van der Waals engineering
- explore wavefront control in anisotropic biaxial crystals
- demonstrate isotope heterostructures for polariton dispersion
Scientific Presentation
22 mins
Scanning SQUID-on-tip microscopy of 2D and chiral magnetism
Speaker: Martino Poggio (University of Basel, Switzerland)
- developing high-resolution magnetic scanning probes
- using scanning SQUID microscope for imaging nanoscale magnetism in 2D and chiral magnets
- featuring the imaging of nanometer-scale magnetization and currents as a key for unraveling the microscopic mechanisms governing a plethora of novel condensed matter phenomena
Scientific Presentation
24 mins
Nanoscale magnetic imaging of fractional Chern insulators in twisted bilayer MoTe2
Speaker: Canxun Zhang (University of California at Santa Barbara, USA)
- Chern insulators, fractional Chern insulators
- imaging local magnetization by scanning SQUID microscopy
- topological ferromagnetism, robust signatures of orbital magnetization originating from chiral edge states
Scientific Presentation
23 mins
Correlated kinetic magnetism of electrons in semiconductor moiré materials
Speaker: Tomasz Smolenski (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
- low-temperature spectroscopic study of magnetism of electrons in the vicinity of a Mott insulating state in angle-aligned, AA-stacked MoSe2/WS2 heterobilayer
- exploring ferromagnetic correlations due to Nagaoka mechanism
- observation of a Mott-Wigner state at 4/3 filling factor of the moiré lattice, accompanied by a drop in Curie-Weiss temperature
Scientific Presentation
22 mins
Novel 2D magnets and dielectrics
Speaker: Zdenek Sofer (University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Czechia)
- discuss advancements in 2D magnetic materials like CrSBr
- explore CrSBr functionalization impacts on properties
- review high-k 2D dielectrics and hBN crystal growth methods
Scientific Presentation
34 mins
Multiferroics: Enabling the next-generation of energy-efficient computing
Speaker: Ramamoorthy Ramesh (Rice University, USA)
- understanding multiferroics and their ferroelectric and magnetic orders
- discussing energy-efficient computation with multiferroics
- investigating low-energy electric manipulation of magnetism
Scientific Presentation
19 mins
Oxide materials for spintronics
Speaker: Jian Shen (Fudan University, China)
- controlling magnetic domains in oxides using electric fields
- understanding domains formation beyond conventional theories
- discussing future perspectives in oxides-based spintronics
Scientific Presentation
22 mins
Functional topological defects: materials at the edge of order
Speaker: Jan Seidel (University of New South Wales, Australia)
- studying ferroics by scanning probe microscopy and crackling noise microscopy
- featuring domain walls as functional 2D materials
- investigating mechanical properties and topological defects in nanoscale features
Scientific Presentation
21 mins
Quantum microscopy of antiferromagnetic and ferroelectric materials
Speaker: Christian Degen (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
- presenting the properties of NV centers in diamond for quantum sensing
- imaging electric fields in ferroelectrics and multiferroics with NV microscope
- using NV microscope for magnetic imaging of domains and domain walls in antiferromagnets
Scientific Presentation
25 mins
An electronic de Laval nozzle
Speaker: Abhay Pasupathy (Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA)
- utilizing atomic force microscopy to link nanoscale local properties of 2D materials to the global device properties
- investigating compressible flow of electrons using a de Laval nozzle
- observing electronic transport discontinuities consistent with supersonic flow
Scientific Presentation
20 mins
Exciton, charge and spin lattices in moiré heterostructures
Speaker: Alexander Högele (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany)
- impact of moiré lattices on excitons, charges, and spins in heterostructures
- correlated charge and spin ordering in twisted vdW heterostructures
- control over neutral and charged moiré exciton-polaritons using strong light-matter coupling in open cavities
Scientific Presentation
24 mins
Revealing intrinsic domains and fluctuations of moiré magnetism by a quantum microscope
Speaker: Chunhui Du (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
- utilizing NV centers for imaging magnetic domains in moiré magnets
- investigating spin fluctuations and magnetic phase transitions in twisted double trilayer (tDT) CrI3
- revealing two distinct magnetic phase transitions with separate critical temperatures within a moiré supercell of tDT CrI3
Scientific Presentation
20 mins
Exciton-polaron spectroscopy of multi-orbital moiré heterostructures
Speaker: Brian Gerardot (Heriot-Watt University, UK)
- explaining exciton-polaron interactions in different valley states
- analyzing the effect of magnetic fields on valley-specific carrier interactions
- exploring band structures in homo-TMD devices and moiré heterostructures
Scientific Presentation
18 mins
Interband transitions in few-layer graphene and their coupling to phonon polaritons
Speaker: Thomas Taubner (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
- explain how stacking influences few-layer graphene's electronic and optical properties
- showcase s-SNOM's role in mapping FLG's interband transitions and defects
- discuss FLG domain characterization during device fabrication
Scientific Presentation
19 mins
Exciting moiré materials for quantum matter
Speaker: Ajit Srivastava (Emory University, USA & University of Geneva, Switzerland)
- introducing the concept of many-body exciton states in semiconducting TMDs
- observing many-body-interaction-induced transition between quadrupolar and dipolar excitons in a trilayer vdW heterostructure
- presenting a platform for studying quantum matter in driven-dissipative systems
Scientific Presentation
15 mins
The B-centre in hBN: A promising source of near-coherent single photons with discrete polarization axes
Speaker: Jake Horder (University of Technology Sydney, Australia)
- pitching hBN as a single photon source for quantum technology
- use SHB spectroscopy to achieve near-lifetime-limited linewidths in hBN
- analyzing discrete polarization axes in hBN B-centers
Scientific Presentation
24 mins
Layered materials for (quantum) photonics
Speaker: Andrea Ferrari (University of Cambridge, UK)
- multi-layer graphene shows non-linear optical properties due to internal cavity effects
- raman spectroscopy reveals graphene's structural and layer interactions
- layered materials act as natural optical cavities, enhancing optical applications
Scientific Presentation
23 mins
Nanooptics in flatlands
Speaker: Pablo Alonso-Gonzalez (University of Oviedo, Spain)
- discuss unique properties of polaritons in anisotropic crystals
- demonstrate hyperbolic phonon polaritons in a-MoO3
- show experimental results on unusual refraction, reflection, and propagation of twisted trilayers
Scientific Presentation
25 mins
Ultrafast nano-imaging: Probing quantum dynamics in space and time
Speaker: Markus Raschke (University of Colorado Boulder, USA)
- describe multiscale coherent spatio-temporal optical nano-imaging
- illustrate imaging of coherent electron dynamics in monolayer WSe2
- discuss interlayer energy transfer dynamics in WSe2/graphene heterostructures
Scientific Presentation
18 mins
Quantum phases in flat-band van-der-Waals systems via quantum transport
Speaker: Thomas Weitz (Georg August University of Göttingen, Germany)
- explain electron interaction in van der Waals materials
- describe tunability of electronic properties in Bernal bilayer graphene
- explore anomalous quantum Hall and Wigner crystal phases in Bernal bilayer graphene
Scientific Presentation
19 mins
Enhanced interactions of interlayer excitons in free-standing hetero-bilayers
Speaker: Yuerui Lu (Australian National University, Australia)
- study of freestanding heterobilayers and silicon dioxide substrates
- use lithography to fabricate micro holes and transfer heterobilayer structures
- reduce dielectric screening to enhance exciton formation efficiency
Scientific Presentation
22 mins
Low-frequency noise in the heterostructures of near-MATBG and TMD layers
Speaker: Arindam Ghosh (Indian Institute of Science, India)
- motivating the use of noise as a sensitive probe for correlated phenomena in 2D materials
- using 1/f noise to probe electronic properties of twisted bilayers
- analyzing charge kinetics and screening in twisted graphene and TMD layers
Scientific Presentation
20 mins
In-operando spectroscopy and microscopy on twisted 2D materials: from graphene to magnets
Speaker: Yong Chen (Purdue University, USA & University of Aarhus, Denmark)
- describing multimodal in-operando measurements in 2D nano-devices
- exemplifying the integration of various spectroscopic and microscopic techniques
- providing examples of multimodal assessments in graphene and 2D heterostructures
Scientific Presentation
22 mins
Interacting exciton polarons in 2D semiconductors
Speaker: Atac Imamoglu (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
- explaining nonlinear pump-probe measurements in semiconductor moiré materials
- generating and detecting excitations in moiré minibands
- discussing the observation of bound biexciton states in moiré exciton modes
Scientific Presentation
20 mins
Extended spatial coherence of mobile interlayer excitons in MoSe2/WSe2 heterobilayers
Speaker: Alexander Holleitner (TU Munich, Germany)
- measuring interlayer exciton coherence with Michelson-Morley interferometry
- observing spatial coherence length of the interlayer excitons reaching the values of lateral expansion of the exciton ensembles
- discussing exciton condensation at low temperatures
Scientific Presentation
21 mins
Tunable phonon polaritons in oxide interfaces and nanomembranes
Speaker: Alexey Kuzmenko (University of Geneva, Switzerland)
- understand how surface phonon-polaritons enhance electromagnetic energy confinement
- explore SPhP modes in perovskite oxide heterostructures
- analyze effects of 2D electron gas on SPhP frequency and tunability
Scientific Presentation
23 mins
Control of polaritons in low-dimensional nanomaterials
Speaker: Hai Hu (Chinese Academy of Science, China)
- explore excitation techniques for high confinement polaritons
- design strategies to reduce polariton transmission losses
- control polariton transmission modes and directions
Scientific Presentation
22 mins
Merging 2D materials and atomically smooth gold crystals: challenges and opportunities
Speaker: Vladimir Zenin (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark)
- study 2D materials combined with gold flakes for reduced losses
- validate nonlocal response using near-field measurement
- nonlocal corrections increase losses and affect confinement
Scientific Presentation
20 mins
Unveiling 2D materials' secrets: nanospectroscopy and nano-imaging reveal key properties
Speaker: Stephanie Gilbert Corder (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, USA)
- nanoimaging of 5-nanometer hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) layer
- use SINS to investigate transverse optical phonon frequency
- detect localized carrier heterogeneities in topological insulators
Scientific Presentation
20 mins
Thermodynamic measurements of correlated states in MATBG
Speaker: Dmitri Efetov (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany)
- engineering and tuning topological flatbands in 2D materials
- characterizing MATBG via thermoelectric measurements
- generating photovoltage in superconducting MATBG
Scientific Presentation
14 mins
Incommensurate spin crystal phases in ultra-thin ferromagnetic & ferroelectric oxide layers
Speaker: Marin Alexe (University of Warwick, UK)
- exploring the formation of topological spin structures in ferroics
- analizing the role of interface DMI in inducing chiral magnetic domains
- discussing the signatures of topological Hall effect in ferromagnets
Scientific Presentation
21 mins
2D Quantum material Josephson junctions
Speaker: Mazhar Ali (TU Delft, Netherlands)
- describing the structure and function of Josephson junctions
- exploring the integration of 2D quantum materials in Josephson junctions
- discussing non-reciprocal superconductivity and its technological applications
Scientific Presentation
20 mins
Symmetry, topology and interactions in twisted graphene
Speaker: Amir Yacoby (Harvard University, USA)
- Chern insulators, incompressible states in twisted trilayer graphene
- strong interactions and symmetry breaking in supermoiré lattice
- robust supermoiré-scale symmetry breaking down to zero field
Scientific Presentation
33 mins
van der Waals layers for spintronics
Speaker: Stuart Parkin (Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics, Germany)
- explaining the principle of magnetic racetrack memory using chiral spin textures
- discussing 2D ferromagnetism in vdW monolayers
- featuring magnetic tunnel junctions and Josephson diodes made from vdW materials
Scientific Presentation
15 mins
Beyond moiré in twisted 2D magnets: an orthogonal twist
Speaker: Samuel Mañas-Valero (TU Delft, Netherlands & University of Valencia, Spain)
- fabricating orthogonally-twisted bilayer from CrSBr ferromagnetic monolayers
- magneto-transport measurements revealing a multistep magnetization switching, with the accompanying magnetic hysteresis
- showcasing spin anisotropy as a key aspect in twisted magnetic superlattices
Scientific Presentation
23 mins
Quantum sensing of 2D magnets using single-spin microscopy
Speaker: Patrick Maletinsky (University of Basel, Switzerland)
- describing the principles and applications of nanoscale quantum sensing
- discussing experimental strategies in using NV microscopy for vdW materials
- featuring magnetic phases in CrSBr
Scientific Presentation
18 mins
Quantum sensing with spin defects in hexagonal boron nitride
Speaker: Vincent Jacques (University of Montpellier & CNRS, France)
- applications of quantum sensors in science and technology
- characteristics and potential of boron vacancy centers in hBN
- 2D quantum sensing foils for studying 2D materials
Scientific Presentation
20 mins
Optics with 2D quantum materials
Speaker: Bernhard Urbaszek (TU Darmstadt, Germany)
- optical properties of MoSe2 and WSe2 in lateral heterostructures
- control and dynamics of exciton flow in heterobilayers
- unique optical features of Janus monolayers
Scientific Presentation
22 mins
Manipulating interactions in 2D-heterostructures using high-Q nanobeam cavities
Speaker: Jonathan Finley (TU Munich, Germany)
- discussing novel light-matter interactions in Si3N4 nanobeam optical cavities
- exploring multimodal couplings in 2D heterostructures with high-Q cavities
- examining specific excitonic photo-physics phenomena in various 2D materials
Scientific Presentation
18 mins
Quantum beats of interlayer excitons in TMDC heterobilayers
Speaker: Ibrahim Sarpkaya (Bilkent University, Turkey)
- discussing the role of interlayer excitons in TMD heterobilayers for advancement of valleytronics and optoelectronics devices
- demonstrating coherent coupling between the interlayer exciton spin states in WSe2-MoSe2 bilayer
- utilizing quantum beat spectroscopy
Scientific Presentation
19 mins
Sulfur vacancy related optical transitions in graded alloys of MoxW1-xS2 monolayers
Speaker: Yohannes Abate (University of Georgia, USA)
- explore bandgap modulation techniques in TMDCs monolayers
- analyze the distribution and impact of sulfur vacancies across graded TMDCs
- examine the electronic states and temperature dependent PL spectroscopy of monolayer TMDCs
Scientific Presentation
24 mins
Cryogenic near-field spectroscopy for nanoscale study of topological insulators and 2D materials
Speaker: Jessica Boland (University of Manchester, UK)
- outline near-field microscopy from visible to terahertz frequencies
- show applications in surface and sub-surface characterizations
- detail spectral analysis of 2D topological insulator nanostructures
Scientific Presentation
52 mins
Introduction to s-SNOM: Basics, tools, mechanisms and 2D materials applications
Speaker: Rainer Hillenbrand (nanoGune, Spain)
- examples include graphene, hBN, and TMDs
- launches and images polaritons using AFM-based SNOM
- reveals polariton wavelength and propagation characteristics
Scientific Presentation
30 mins
Fractional Chern and fractional topological insulators
Speaker: Kin Fai Mak (Cornell University, USA)
- Chern insulators, fractional Chern insulators in moiré semiconductors
- electron fractionalization in zero magnetic field, quantum anomalous Hall effect
- topological insulators in moiré semiconductors
Product Application
41 mins
Advances in Ultrafast Nanoscopy
Speaker: Jianing Chen (Institute of Physics Beijing)
- introduction to ultrafast nanoscopy technology
- selected studies using ultrafast nanoscopy
- configuration and advantages of IR-neaSCOPE+fs
Product Demonstration
61 mins
neaSDK: Your Microscope's Autopilot
- user case and application of neaSDK
- automated neaSCOPE measurements using neaSDK
- extend neaSCOPE's operation and evaluation capabilities
User Tutorial
34 mins
nano-FTIR Data Processing
Speaker: Tobias Gokus (attocube systems AG)
- plot absorbance from amplitude and phase spectra
- apply baseline correction to compensate for thermal drift
- merge adjacent spectral regions for smooth spectrum stitching
User Tutorial
41 mins
Near-Field Probing Phenomena – Part I
Speaker: Rainer Hillenbrand (CIC nanoGUNE)
- impact of AFM-tip geometry in s-SNOM measurements
- interpreting near-field signals and artifacts
- influence of AFM mechanics and tip-sample interactions
User Tutorial
34 mins
Introduction to s-SNOM
Speaker: Fritz Keilmann (LMU Munich)
- understanding super-resolution techniques
- applications and innovations in microscopy
- future directions and practical implementations
User Tutorial
66 mins
Introduction to Atomic Force Microscopy
Speaker: Lukas Eng (TU Dresden)
- understanding the principles and challenges of AFM
- mastering AFM operation modes and techniques
- optimizing AFM environments and forces
User Tutorial
55 mins
s-SNOM and nano-FTIR Introduction and Overview
Speaker: Rainer Hillenbrand (CIC nanoGUNE)
- understanding the fundamentals and mechanics of s-SNOM
- advanced detection techniques in s-SNOM and nano-FTIR
- theoretical modeling and practical applications
User Tutorial
57 mins
Pseudo-heterodyne (PsHet) Interferometric Detection in s-SNOM
Speaker: Martin Schnell (CIC nanoGUNE)
- understanding the fundamentals and mechanics of s-SNOM
- advanced detection techniques in s-SNOM and nano-FTIR
- theoretical modeling and practical applications
User Tutorial
66 mins
Photocurrent Nanoscopy
Speaker: Frank Koppens (ICFO, Castelldefels)
- photocurrent nanoscopy's role in material science research
- application and insights in 2D materials, especially graphene
- techniques and challenges in photocurrent nanoscopy research
User Tutorial
62 mins
nano-FTIR Spectroscopy - part I
Speaker: Raul Freitas (LNLS Synchrotron)
- synchrotron light sources and beam dynamics
- application and principles of nano-FTIR
- practical challenges and solutions in nano-FTIR
User Tutorial
17 mins
AFM and s-SNOM Data Processing using Gwyddion
- correct data interpretation and adjustment
- normalization and referencing in afm analysis
- software proficiency for complex data analysis
User Tutorial
32 mins
nano-FTIR Spectroscopy part-II
Speaker: Raul Freitas (LNLS Synchrotron)
- understanding metallic tips in optical enhancement
- insights into interferometry and nearfield reflections
- practical applications and data analysis
User Tutorial
51 mins
Modeling of Near-field Optical Contrast and Spectra
- understanding the theory and models behind s-SNOM
- importance of reference and normalization in s-SNOM data
- practical approaches and challenges in s-SNOM data analysis
User Tutorial
59 mins
Material Contrasts in s-SNOM and nano-FTIR
- characterization of organic samples with s-SNOM
- resonance phenomena in strong oscillators and phonons
- charge carrier dynamics in inorganic materials
User Tutorial
22 mins
Near-Field Probing Phenomena – Part II
- understanding indirect illumination in s-SNOM
- utilizing the harmonic ratio for more accurate data
- impact of far-field effects and practical tips:
User Tutorial
22 mins
Near-Field Probing Phenomena – Part III
Speaker: Iris Niehues (CIC nanoGUNE)
- understanding negative phase contrast
- factors influencing negative phase contrast
- correcting negative Phase contrast
User Tutorial
63 mins
Advanced AFM Modes
Speaker: Lukas Eng (IAP, TU Dresden)
- various scanning force microscopy modes and their applications
- electrostatic compensation in scanning force microscopy
- advanced applications and time-resolved measurements
User Tutorial
68 mins
Plasmon and Phonon Polariton Mapping in 2D Materials
Speaker: Pablo Alonso-Gonzalez (University of Oviedio)
- exploration of polariton physics in 2D materials
- properties and visualization techniques of graphene plasmons
- anisotropic behavior and novel optical phenomena in MoO3
User Tutorial
58 mins
Near-field Imaging of Plasmonic and Dielectric Antennas and Waveguides
Speaker: Vladimir Zenin (SDU Nano Optics)
- transmission mode advantages in s-SNOM
- waveguide analysis and nanoantennas in s-SNOM
- practical tips and data analysis techniques
User Tutorial
61 mins
Photoinduced Forces and Photothermal Expansion
Speaker: Antonio Ambrosio (IIT Milano)
- understanding local and non-local forces in AFM
- differentiating photothermal and photo-induced forces
- practical applications and experimental considerations
User Tutorial
222 mins
s-SNOM Image Processing and Presentation
- interactive hands-on event with direct feedback on your needs
- improve the quality of your s-SNOM data by image post-processing
- quantify your results by careful image analysis
Product Demonstration
81 mins
Introducing neaSCOPE
- maximum correlative nanoscopy options for all-around sample surface characterization
- enhanced usability for simplified operation in shared user facilities and R&D labs
- software developer kit for maximum flexibility and expert users
Product Application
61 mins
Raman Imaging & Spectroscopy at its Limits: Cryogenic Temperatures, Short Wavenumbers, High Magnetic Fields, and Polarization Control
- be introduced to cryogenic Raman microscopy
- see exciting demonstration measurements, including temperature series, magnetic field dependence, short wavenumbers, and more
- learn about the opportunities and challenges of cryogenic magneto-optics
Product Application
71 mins
Introducing Ultrafast Nanoscopy
Speaker: Max Eisele (toptica)
- introduction to ultrafast nanoscopy technology
- selected studies using ultrafast nanoscopy
- configuration and advantages of IR-neaSCOPE+fs
Scientific Presentation
18 mins
Nanoscale studies of atmospheric corrosion
Speaker: Magnus Johnson (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)
- local atmospheric copper corrosion using multiple nanoscale techniques
- nano FTIR and s-SNOM imaging identifies corrosion products and coating effectiveness
- investigation of ultrathin organic films for safeguarding copper surfaces against corrosion
Scientific Presentation
18 mins
Advanced NeaSpec user: tips and tricks
Speaker: Vladimir Zenin (University of Southern Denmark)
- insights and procedures for balanced detection, noise cancellation, tip alignment, and more
- importance of detector active area, bandwidth and gain
- applying tricks for quantitative SNOM data; GSP modes example
Scientific Presentation
16 mins
Probing Metal-Organic Frameworks via Infrared Nanospectroscopy and Tip-Force Microscopy
Speaker: Jin-Chong Tan (University of Oxford)
- TFM shows evolving defects and their mechanical impact on crystallization
- multimodal techniques reveal MOF structures and performance
- nanoFTIR unveils vibrational traits of guest-encapsulated MOFs
Scientific Presentation
12 mins
Far-Infrared Near-Field Optical Imaging and Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy of Laser-Crystallized and -Amorphized Phase Change Material Ge3Sb2Te6
Speaker: Julian Barnett (RWTH Aachen)
- GST326 shifts between amorphous and crystalline states for nanophotonic devices
- focused laser modifies dielectric function; vital for re-programmable metasurfaces
- advantages of combined THz s-SNOM and KPFM: distinguishes states, examines local conductivity, ensuring reliable, reversible switching understanding
Scientific Presentation
12 mins
High-fidelity nano-FTIR spectroscopy by on-pixel normalization of signal harmonics
Speaker: Lars Mester (CIC nanoGUNE BRTA)
- enhanced nanocharacterization: s-SNOM, nano-FTIR reveal organic and inorganic composites
- background suppression key: indirect tip illumination yields signals not at tip, demanding recognition
- artifact recognition: simple normalization eliminates artifacts, enhances analytical precision
Scientific Presentation
13 mins
Observation and manipulation of antiferromagnetic distributions in magneto-electric multiferroics
Speaker: Jean-Yves Chauleau (SPEC CEA Saclay)
- spin currents, Terahertz dynamics enhance antiferromagnet (AF) control
- net polarization coupling enables voltage-based control
- multiferroic BiFeO3 with FE/AF textures studied via SHG imaging and s-SNOM
Scientific Presentation
16 mins
Exploring Nanoscale Imaging of Polariton Dynamics in 2D Materials
Speaker: William L. Wilson (Harvard University)
- nanoscale photonics of quasi-particle dynamics and material topology
- measuring dispersive propagation of 2D Van der Waals polariton systems
- investigation of buried 2D structure Moiré imaging, expanding exploration capabilities
Scientific Presentation
15 mins
Visualization of anomalous reflection and refraction of polaritons at the nanoscale
Speaker: Pablo Alonso-González (University of Oviedo)
- in-plane hyperbolic phonon polaritons (PhPs) with ultra-low losses
- anomalous refraction and reflection, and canalization with minimal losses in hyperbolic PhP
- unparalleled energy flow control of a-MoO3's
Scientific Presentation
22 mins
Nano-aquarium - a new s-SNOM platform to observe live biological cells in action
Speaker: Fritz Keilmann (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich)
- nano-FTIR investigation of biological cells living inside a nano-aquarium
- analysis of dynamic processes in liquid environments
- study of diverse biological processes in real-time using s-SNOM setup
Scientific Presentation
10 mins
Infrared nano-imaging of configured phonon polaritons
Speaker: Siyuan Dai (Auburn University)
- manipulating light at small scales through polaritons in van der Waals materials
- recent advances in achieving atomic localization, dynamic tunability, low-loss, and topological states
- heterostructuring, graphene integration, and topology changes in phonon polaritons
Scientific Presentation
13 mins
Multimodal scattering near-field optical microscopy revealing plant cell walls physical and chemical properties
Speaker: Aude Lereu (Institute Fresnel - CNRS)
- expanding into construction, biofuel, intelligent components, and new materials
- managing biodegradability, stability, and profitability with chemical and physical treatments
- treatments alter plant cell composition, reshaping physical traits
Scientific Presentation
15 mins
Nanoimaging of Orientational Defects in Semiconducting Organic Films
Speaker: Nada Mrkyvkova (Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences)
- defect analysis using s-SNOM for enhancing performance of organic semiconductors
- light-induced vibrational mode responses for molecular orientation defects
- reliable s-SNOM amplitude-based description for diverse topographies, nanoscale included
Scientific Presentation
11 mins
Near-field spectroscopy of transition metal dichalcogenides
Speaker: Antonio Ambrosio (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia)
- graphene, hexagonal boron nitride studied for plasmonic and phononic responses
- high-quality nanoresonators created in various 2D materials polaritonic bands
- spin-to-orbital angular momentum coupling in resonators
Scientific Presentation
17 mins
Cryogenic photocurrent nanoscopy of twisted 2D materials.
Speaker: Frank Koppens (ICFO, Barcelona)
- stacked layers with slight twist angle create moiré patterns, impacting properties
- study near magic angle uncovers correlated states, unconventional superconductivity origins
- cryogenic s-SNOM reveals spatial variations in optical properties and excitations, highlighting symmetry breaking mechanisms
Scientific Presentation
13 mins
Novel quantum phases in few-layer graphene without Moiré
Speaker: Thomas Weitz (Uni Göttingen)
- explore charge transport in bilayer and trilayer graphene with strong electron interactions
- reveal fragile phases, reliant on careful near-field imaging-guided setup
- investigate exotic states in few-layer graphene for exchange-driven effects
Scientific Presentation
12 mins
Nanoscopic study of biomimetic polydopamine anchored layers
Speaker: Marcela Dendisova (University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague)
- synthetic melanin forms adaptable chains on surfaces, aiding compound anchoring
- mechanism remains unclear; study examines Si/SiOx, N-TiO2, and Au surfaces
- nano-FTIR reveal island growth, changes in catechol and quinone bands
Scientific Presentation
12 mins
Detailed investigation of nanocellulosic materials with neaSNOM instrument
Speaker: Nikolay Kotov (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm)
- nanocellulose crystals and fibrils offer lightweight, strong, biocompatible materials
- neaSCOPE combines AFM and FTIR for in-depth physicochemical analysis at =20 nm resolution
- nano-FTIR nvestigates CNCs, CNFs, highlighting morphological features through kinks, twists, and more
Scientific Presentation
12 mins
THz photocurrent nanoscopy
Speaker: Eva Pogna (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Pisa)
- THz QCLs maps photocurrent distribution in 1D, 2D materials
- photodetection in InAs nanowires transistors
- Investigation of layered 2D Materials using nano-THz
Scientific Presentation
12 mins
Infrared nanoscopy and nano-tomography of bioactive polymer brushes
Speaker: Ognen Pop-Georgievski (Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Czech Academy of Sciences)
- bioactive polymer brushes allows for surface-immobilized chains with peptides for biomedicine
- nano-FTIR examine topological uniformity, peptide distribution
- s-SNOM maps TYRAY peptides on brushes, relates to living cell behavior
Scientific Presentation
16 mins
Nanostructure and Surface Dynamics of Binary Mixed Polymer Brushes as Revealed by Advanced Scanning Probe Microscopies
Speaker: Szczepan Zapotoczny (Jagiellonian University Faculty of Chemistry)
- conjugated polymers blend with polyelectrolytes for devices
- ordered chains enhance photovoltaic, thermoelectric, sensing systems
- nano-IR, nano-FTIR, AFM map phase separation, conformational changes in blended polymer brushes, offering depth information
Scientific Presentation
14 mins
Cross-sectional chemical nanoimaging of composite polymer nanoparticles by infrared nanospectroscopy
Speaker: Monika Goikoetxea (Nanogune, San Sebastian)
- IR s-SNOM, nano-FTIR for multicomponent waterborne particles
- high chemical sensitivity, resolution, hyperspectral imaging, chemometric analysis
- acrylic, fluoroacrylate monomer particles' complex morphology, composition studied, surpassing electron microscopy
Scientific Presentation
14 mins
Isotope-edition of nanoscale infrared images to distinguish chemically similar molecules - benefits for Alzheimer's disease research
Speaker: Andreas Barth (Stockholm University)
- study protein structures using nano-FTIR spectra
- focus on peptide bonds reflecting protein conformation
- analyze single pyruvate kinase proteins on varied substrates
Scientific Presentation
13 mins
VIS-IR Nanospectroscopy of Novel Organic Solar Cell Materials
Speaker: Achim Hartschuh (LMU Munich, Department of Chemistry and CeNS)
- analyze bulk heterojunction organic solar cells with non-fullerene acceptors
- utilize nanoFTIR spectroscopy and s-SNOM imaging to investigate polymer/NFA blends
- identify variations in molecular stacking and spatial distribution of components
Scientific Presentation
21 mins
Structural transitions underpins the evolution of protein nanofibrils mechanics
Speaker: Ulyana Shimanovich (Weizmann Institute of Science)
- investigate natural protein properties at atomic to macromolecular levels
- understand fiber-forming protein constructs for mechanical and functional properties
- bridge understanding of soluble proteins to insoluble amyloids, enabling new materials
Scientific Presentation
16 mins
The influence of cell wall composition on mechanics of natural poplar variants at nanoscale
Speaker: Rastislav Lagana (Technical University Zvolen)
- applied s-SNOM to analyze poplar wood's chemical and mechanical properties
- investigated cell wall constituents in different poplar variants
- correlated AFM mechanical phase with cellulose nano-FTIR peak height
Scientific Presentation
21 mins
Terahertz scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy on the atomic scale
Speaker: Tyler Cocker (Michigan State University)
- lightwave-driven STM with high spatio-temporal resolution
- strong-field control THz-STM used for picosecond molecule motion
- connection to near-field microscopy for advance nanoscale dynamics
Scientific Presentation
20 mins
Probing frequency-dependent anisotropical responses with far-infrared synchrotron infrared nanospectroscopy
Speaker: Hans Bechtel (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- combined applications for synchrotron nano-FTIR spectroscopy and s-SNOM imaging
- far-Infrared extension enables study of elemental excitations in functional materials
- exploration of anisotropic phonon polaritons in crystalline materials
Scientific Presentation
20 mins
Synchrotron IR nanospectroscopy at Sirius: current developments and perspectives
Speaker: Raul Freitas (Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory)
- synchrotron IR nanospectroscopy drives progress in diverse fields
- community collaboration and synergy with various disciplines; open-user labs
- updates on Sirius, IMBUIA beamline expansion, democratizing advanced techniques
Scientific Presentation
17 mins
Imaging terahertz modes using scattering SNOM
Speaker: Jean-Francois Lampin (IEMN-CNRS Lille)
- exploring photonic modes by THz photonic components using near-field microscopy
- probing concentrated electric fields for sensitive sensing and light-matter studies
- advanced setup for THz nanoscopy of graphene, resonators, and antennas
Scientific Presentation
16 mins
Applying dielectric disorder to image interlayer excitons in van der Waals heterostructures
Speaker: Patryk Kusch (Freie Universität Berlin)
- dielectric function reveals properties of CNTs, graphene, TMDCs
- s-SNOM extracts dielectric values, maps variations in materials like WS2 and heterostructures
- surface roughness and charge transfer impact dielectric function; correlated with PL spectroscopy
Scientific Presentation
15 mins
Imaging of Ferro- and Antiferromagnetic Domains using s-SNOM
Speaker: Bernd Kästner (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt)
- on-chip method images IR excitations, detects magneto-caloritronic effects for magnetic domain imaging
- avoids sample magnetization impact, unlike traditional magnetic force microscopy
- enables thermal, electric field measurements, shown through illustrative examples
Scientific Presentation
13 mins
near-field spectroscopy of emerging new 2D material platform allowing broadband optical tunability from the visible to long infrared
Speaker: Daniel Beitner (Tel Aviv University)
- study porphyrin nanorods in Au nanoparticle arrays
- measure spectral changes, coupling, using algorithm-based sorting
- 0bserved thickness-dependent shift, correlated with J-aggregate ratio
Scientific Presentation
22 mins
Terahertz near-field nanoscopy of 1D and 2D nano materials
Speaker: Miriam Vitiello (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Pisa)
- explored quantum states at nanoscale using THz near-field microscopy
- investigated layered topological insulators via hyperspectral spectroscopy
- developed self-mixing intermode-beatnote spectroscopy for THz nanoscopy
Scientific Presentation
31 mins
Position and altitude control of formation flying small satellites for synthetic aperture telescope
Speaker: Ryo Suzumoto (University of Tokyo)
- advantages of synthetic aperture telescopes for earth observation
- sub-µm accurate position control of small satellites
- testing and simulation of interferometric satellite control
Scientific Presentation
30 mins
Dimensional stability evaluation of telescope structure
Speaker: Kazuya Kitamoto (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)
- dimensional stability as key criteria for high resolution space telescopes
- telescope structure integrated deformation detection
- performance validation of fiber-based interferometer
User Tutorial
1 min
alignment-free cantilever holder
attocube introduces its new alignment-free cantilever holder facilitating tip exchange and the mechanical alignment of the cantilever in all AFM/MFM microscopes. The new AFM head features a folding mechanism, which allows to easily extract the cantilever holder for tip exchange without dismounting the AFM head itself.Product Application
61 mins
IR nanoscopy with ultrabroad tunable source
Speaker: Magnus Johnson (KTH Stockholm)
- widest tuning range 550-7000 cm-1 with QCL-comparable tuning speed
- narrow linewidth < 4 cm-1 for rapid nanoscale chemical mapping
- compatibility with s-SNOM and AFM-IR/PTE measurement modes
Scientific Presentation
32 mins
Exciton sensing of condensed matter phenomena
Speaker: Kin Fai Mak (Cornell University, Ithaca, USA)
- semiconductor moiré materials
- rydberg sensing of electron crystals
- optical detection and imaging of quantum anomalous Hall state
Scientific Presentation
31 mins
Exploring quantum light from hexagonal boron nitride
Speaker: Dr. Koperski (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
- controlled Defect Engineering
- carbon doped hBN as a novel material system
- single photon emission
Scientific Presentation
36 mins
Engineering quantum states in 2D materials
Speaker: Prof. Bernhard Urbaszek (INSA Toulouse, France)
- TMD monolayers
- tunable exciton transition in MoS2 bilayers
- interlayer excitons in MoS2 bilayers
Scientific Presentation
31 mins
Sensing Moiré magnetism via single-spin quantum magnetometry
Speaker: Prof. Xiaodong Xu (University of Washington, USA)
- Moiré superlattices formed by 2D magnets
- interlayer Magnetism in Crl3 layers
- six-fold symmetry in autocorrelation function
Scientific Presentation
30 mins
A quantum dot in an open microcavity
Speaker: Prof. Richard Warburton (University of Basel, Switzerland)
- boosting light matter interaction in micro cavities
- exciton-photon strong and weak coupling
- analysis of high-efficient single photon source
Scientific Presentation
16 mins
Open-cavity in closed-cycle cryostat as a quantum optics platform
Speaker: Dr. Samarth Vadia (Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich, Germany)
- optical fiber as open cavity
- tunable cavity in closed cycle cryostat
- stability challenges of a micro cavity
Scientific Presentation
15 mins
A turn-key micro-cavity quantum optics system
Speaker: Dr. Hümmer (Qlibri, Munich, Germany)
- fiber micro mirrors properties
- setup of micro cavity system
- stabilization of micro cavities
Scientific Presentation
34 mins
Optical quantum computing
Speaker: Prof. Chao-Yang Lu (University of Science and Technology of China, China)
- Gaussian Boson sampling
- squeezed state sources instead of Single photon sources
- single photon sources for quantum communication
Scientific Presentation
28 mins
Building up modular optical quantum computing platforms
Speaker: Dr. Niccolo Somaschi (Quandela, Paris, France)
- photonic quantum computing platforms
- quantum Dots in Micropillar cavity
- standalone optical qubit emitter
Scientific Presentation
27 mins
Towards QD-based quantum networks
Speaker: Dr. Claire Le Gall (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom)
- spin photon interfaces
- nuclear spin ensembles as quantum memory
- spin control of Quantum dot spins
Scientific Presentation
31 mins
Exploring high-pressure superconductivity using diamond point defects
Speaker: Prof. Jean-François Roch (ENS, Paris-Saclay, France)
- novel materials at pressures above 100 GPa
- diamond anvil cells
- NV color centers as magnetic quantum sensors
Scientific Presentation
34 mins
Unconventional spin diffusion in dipolar spin ensembles
Speaker: Prof. Norman Yao (University of California, Berkeley, USA)
- coupled spin qubits in diamond as experimental platform
- inhomogeneous spin polarization profiles by polarization transfer
- identification of hydrodynamic time regimes
Scientific Presentation
57 mins
Magneto and quantum optics: from science to quantum technology
Panel Discussion
- Prof. Mete Atatüre (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom)
- Prof. Sven Höfling (University of Würzburg, Germany)
- Prof. Atac Imamoglu (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)
- Prof. Pascale Senellart (CNRS, Paris, France)
Hosts: Prof. Khaled Karraï (attocube systems AG, Germany), Prof. Alexander Högele (Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich, Germany)
Product Demonstration
76 mins
Live DEMO: Smart Interactive User Experience
- speed-up your first-use with video examples and recommended parameters
- perform complex measurements even by new users following guided instructions
- rely on automatic detection of errors and assist you with interactive suggestions
Product Demonstration
47 mins
Next Level of Precision: Customized Motion & Sensing Solutions
- customized positioning solutions for microscopy applications
- customized sensoric solutions for applications in extreme environments
- combined Motion & Sensing solutions for ultimate precision and accuracy
Product Application
93 mins
nano-FTIR Enables Scientific Breakthrough Worldwide
- benefits of nano-FTIR compared to FTIR
- examples from research area that profit from nano-FTIR technology
- correlation nano-FTIR with mechanical, electrical, and thermal properties
Scientific Presentation
35 mins
Probing materials properties with a nano scale quantum sensor
Speaker: Prof. Jörg Wrachtrup (University of Stuttgart & MPI Solid State Research, Germany)
- overview of & introduction to spin quantum sensing
- LT NV magnetometry on 2D materials: magnetic domain evolution in a CrBr3 bilayer
- nanoMRI on oscillating magnetic fields from nuclei
Scientific Presentation
48 mins
The future of magnetic imaging: What are key challenges in applications, and which techniques are going to solve these best?
Panel Discussion
- Dr. Thierry Debuisschert (Thales Research & Technology, France)
- Prof. Hans Josef Hug (Empa, Switzerland)
- Prof. Kathryn Ann Moler (Stanford University, USA)
- Prof. Stuart Parkin (Max Planck Institute for Microstructure Physics, Germany)
- Prof. Jörg Wrachtrup (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
Host: Prof. Khaled Karraï (attocube systems AG, Germany)
Scientific Presentation
38 mins
Chiral non-collinear spin textures imaged by MFM and Lorentz TEM
Speaker: Prof. Stuart Parkin (Max Planck Institute for Microstructure Physics, Germany)
- anti-skyrmions and elliptical block skyrmions
- important technological applications – racetrack memory
- topological chiral antiferromagnets
Scientific Presentation
15 mins
Real-space observation of ferroelectrically induced magnetic spin crystal in SrRuO3
Speaker: Samuel Seddon (University of Warwick)
- emergence of a non-topological cycloidal magnetic spin crystal
- stabilization of crystal by interface DMI caused by ferromagnetic-ferroelectric interface
- first real space imaging of this phase
Scientific Presentation
30 mins
Variable temperature MFM measurements of magnetic oxide materials
Speaker: Prof. Jan Seidel (University of New South Wales, Australia)
- variable magnetic field & temperature MFM on complex oxides
- magnetic transitions triggered by strain & oxygen content in (anti)ferromagnetic thin films
- non-collinear magnetic phase transition in ferrimagnetic thin films
Scientific Presentation
31 mins
Physical origin of complex magnetic domain structures in manganites
Speaker: Prof. Jian Shen (Fudan University, China)
- competition between multiple interactions in complex domains in oxides
- how doping-induced disorder plays a key role for physical properties
- high tunability for device applications such as tunable organic spin valves
Scientific Presentation
29 mins
Exploring antiferromagnetic order with a single spin microscope
Speaker: Prof. Vincent Jacques (University of Montpellier, France)
- imaging domain walls in thin ferromagnets
- imaging antiferromagnetic order
- magnetic noise sensing
- imaging spin textures in antiferromagnets via spin relaxometry
Scientific Presentation
33 mins
Single-spin nanoscale imaging of atomically thin magnets
Speaker: Prof. Patrick Maletinsky (University of Basel, Switzerland)
- evolution and engineering of scanning quantum sensors
- NV magnetometry of 2D van der Waals magnets
- domain-wall mechanics in antiferromagnetic Cr2O3
Scientific Presentation
27 mins
Probing quantum criticality using optical NV magnetometry
Speaker: Prof. Ruslan Prozorov (Iowa State University & Ames Laboratory, USA)
- single-NV vs. NV-ensemble measurements
- development of single-NV scanning sensors
- minimally invasive sensing of weak vector fields in superconductors
Scientific Presentation
22 mins
Determining the vibrations between sensor and sample in SQUID microscopy
Speaker: Dr. John Kirtley (, Stanford, USA)
- Stanford scanning SQUID microscope user facility
- acquisition of time-resolved noise from single vortex as point-like source
- Taylor series based model describing spatially averaged flux noise vs frequency
Scientific Presentation
44 mins
Imaging topological currents and twist-angle disorder in magic-angle graphene
Speaker: Prof. Eli Zeldov (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel)
- imaging equilibrium currents in quantum Hall edge states in graphene
- imaging equilibrium currents in magic angle graphene
- determination of the local twist angle and twist-angle disorder
Product Demonstration
101 mins
Live DEMO: s-SNOM Imaging & Spectroscopy
- top performance on all types of materials (organic and inorganic)
- fastest measurements without compromise on quality
- high-quality results independent from user experience
Product Demonstration
49 mins
Standardized Calibration of CNC Machines and CMMs
- Definintion of standardized & automated measurements
- Analysis of data & creation of calibration certificates
- Implementing correction tables to increase machine accuracy
Product Demonstration
100 mins
Live DEMO: AFM-IR Imaging & Spectroscopy
- artefact-free absorption measurements without mechanical influence
- maximum performance without sample damage
- high-quality results independent from user experience
Product Demonstration
39 mins
Nano-Precise Positioning with Multi-Axis Stages
- precise sample alignment and beam paths steering with nanopositioner stacks
- runout error minimization of sample and optics rotation at ambient & vacuum conditions
- Setting up a multi-axis nanopositioner stack
Product Demonstration
40 mins
Nano-Precise Optical Displacement Measurement
- high speed and long range measurements with nanometer accuracy
- Vibration characterization using advanced FFT and PSD analysis
- Material deformation measurements directly on various surfaces
Scientific Presentation
46 mins
Moiré Excitons in 2D Semiconductor Heterostructures
- what is the benefit of using layered 2D materials for creating superlattices
- how to use them to realize arrays of circularly polarized quantum emitters
- how to use them to study many-body physics at liquid Helium temperatures that was previously only accessible in nano-Kelvin atomic gasses and optical lattices
Product Application
65 mins
nano-FTIR Applications for Inorganic, 2D and Biomaterials
- quantum-dots formation in hBN for multichannel single electron transistors
- degradation mechanism in perovskite solar cell materials
- identification of protein inclusion bodies in bacterial cells
Product Demonstration
107 mins
nano-FTIR Spectroscopy & Hyperspectral Nanoimaging
- guided workflow demonstration of neaspec intuitive software
- fluent measurement process by alignment-free sample exchange
- nano-FTIR performance test on monolayer protein sample
User Tutorial
7 mins
IDS3010 - Loan Kit
- Tutorial about the most important components of the IDS loan kit
- Explanation connectivity, interface setup and functionality of the IDS system
- Services to ensure the best solution for your application
Scientific Presentation
23 mins
Uncover exotic properties of 2D materials
Speaker: Rainer Hillenbrand (CIC nanoGUNE)
- dispersion of light in isotropic and uniaxial crystals
- hyperbolic phonon-polaritons in a h-BN slab
- exotic wave phenomena in 2D materials
Scientific Presentation
21 mins
Quantitative Data Analysis
- analysis of dispersion mapping in 2D materials
- relationship between chemical-ID & sample thickness
- method of extracting carrier concentration from sSNOM data
Scientific Presentation
20 mins
Tip-enhanced Photoluminescende on 2D materials
Speaker: Yohanes Abate (University of Georgia)
- application of nano-Raman for quantum information science
- advantages of nano-PL compared to nano-FTIR
- quantify high-resolution luminescence nanoscopy
Scientific Presentation
18 mins
neaSCOPE Applications and Configurations
- investigation of thin material coating with 2nm QTD molecules
- compositional image and statistical distribution in rubbers
- maping carrier concentration and dopping in semiconductors
Scientific Presentation
12 mins
Nanoscale Study of Metal Corrosion
Speaker: Magnus Johnson (KTH Stockholm)
- premature detection of atmospheric corrosion
- identification of corrosion products at the nanoscale
- reduction of corrosion using inhibitors
Scientific Presentation
15 mins
Infrared synchrotron nanoscopy research at LNLS
Speaker: Raul Freitas (Brazilian Synchrotron)
- study of biosystems in their natural environment
- delivery of nano-drugs in bacteria
- understanding the nano-chemistry of human hair
Scientific Presentation
14 mins
IR Nanoscopy for Solving Real World Problems
Speaker: Iban Amenabar (CIC nanoGUNE)
- optimisation of rubber materials
- investigation of pharmacology and cosmetics samples
- application in biotechnology sector
Scientific Presentation
15 mins
Basics of s-SNOM Imaging and Spectroscopy
- method for efficiently suppress background
- measure simultaneous absorption & reflectivity
- identification of nanoscale contaminations
Scientific Presentation
13 mins
In-Situ Nanoscale Hydrogen Diffusion Dynamics
Speaker: Julian Karst (University of Stuttgart)
- dynamic plasmonic color display
- active plasmonics and switchable metasurfaces
- optimisation of H diffusion kinetics
Product Application
71 mins
Correlation Nanoscopy for Material Analysis
- spectroscopic correlation of TERS, nano-FTIR & PTE+
- nanoscale thermal analysis by means of nano-TA & SThM
- quantification of carrier density with THz-TDS nanoscopy
Product Video
1 min
IDS3010 - Working principle
- Working principle of Fabry-Perot Interferometry for ultra stable measurements
- Compact components for extreme environments and long working ranges
- IDS3010 interferometer for ultimate precision
Product Application
34 mins
Infrared Nanoscopy Applications in Polymer Science
Speaker: Rainer Hillenbrand (CIC nanoGUNE)
- identification of nano-plastic contamination in sea water
- chemical mapping of complex polymer composites
- hyperspectral imaging applied to polymer blends
Product Application
49 mins
Infrared Nanoscopy Applications in Life Science
Speaker: Rainer Hillenbrand (CIC nanoGUNE)
- imaging isolated tabacco mosaic virus
- spectroscopy of single ferritin protein complex
- monolayer mapping of protein membrane
Product Video
8 mins
Tired of the difficulties in combining different instruments in one software routine yourself? The attoTMS based on the Nanonis TrameaTM software with dedicated attocube mo- dules allows for automated measurements with variable temperature, magnetic field, 3D sample orientation and arbitrarily varying electrical signals.User Tutorial
9 mins
IDS3010 - Measurement software
- Tutorial about main functionalities and operation of the IDS measurement software WAVE
- Intuitive user interface for extensive data analysis and processing
- Fast and easy data acquisition, evaluation and reporting
Product Application
1 min
IDS3010 - Sensor for ultra-precise adjustments
- Mulit-Axis interferometrie for machine integrated measurements at the point of interest
- Eliminate errors of incremental encoders related to both design and mounting
- High bandwidth and multiple real-time interfaces for advances machine control
Product Application
1 min
IDS3010 - Measurement system for pick & place applications
- Highes accuracy for semiconductor lithography, inspection and pick & place applications
- Compact sensors for multi-dimensional measurements
- Advanced vibration analysis as basis for performance improvement
Product Application
1 min
IDS3010 - Motor shaft concentricity measurements
- Contactless concentricity measurement of motor shafts, crankshafts and camshafts
- High speed and precision detection of imbalances and resulting runout erros
- Improved quality and (predictive) maintenance in precision machining
Product Application
1 min
IDS3010 - In-line process control in extreme conditions
- Process controls in extreme environmental conditions
- Miniaturized optical sensor heads for vacuum, radiation harsh, high & low temperature deployment
- Increased precision for etching and EUV lithography systems
Product Application
1 min
IDS3010 - Detection of vibration amplitudes
- Contactless vibration measurement of workpiece and precision tool
- Active vibration compensation up to high frequencies
- Vibration analysis at short and long distances
Product Application
1 min
IDS3010 - Calibration of machine tools and CMMs
- Fiber based Fabry-Perot interferometer for machines tooles and CMMs
- Cost and time efficient utilization compared to Michelson interferometers
- System integration for permanent and direct measurement at the workpiece
Product Video
3 mins
IDS3010 - Trailer
- ultra-compact IDS3010 laser interferometer for contactless measurement
- Outstanding precision, measurement range and speed
- Broad compatibility and flexible integration into challenging industry setups
Product Video
7 mins
attoAFM closed loop scanning
Piezo-based scanners routinely used for scanning probe microscsopy (SPM) deliver high resolution, yet suffer from nonlinearities and creep, resulting in image distortion and difficult feature retrieval with high precision. Using a fiber-based interferometer, our cryogenic SPMs feature closed loop scanning and a 'global' sample coordinate (GSC) system over 5 mm x 5 mm.Product Video
2 mins
IDS3010 - Presentation
- Collection of challenging industry applications
- Ultra-Precise displacement and vibration measurement
- Main features and advantages of the IDS3010
Product Video
1 min
Installation at ICN2
The group of G. Catalán & N. Domingo created a video of the installation of an attoAFM & an attoDRY1000 @ their institute: Apart from surface topography, the new equipment can map electronic, electromechanical and magnetic properties with nanoscopic lateral resolution, at temperatures as low as 4 K and under magnetic fields as high as 9T. Visit their website here www.icn2.catProduct Video
4 mins
attocube's integrated nano-characterization platform connects the outstanding cooling performance of the fully automated attoDRY1100 low-vibration cryostat with sophisticated instrumentation such as attocube's world-renown low temperature scanning probe microscopes. attoDRY LAB: Cool Down. Measure. Publish.Product Video
1 min
The 3DR double rotation module provides access to full magnetic field (e.g. 9T) in all directions relative to the sample surface. attocube's brand new 3-dimensional rotator unit for in-situ operation makes vector magnets obsolete. Be smart - rotate your sample, not the magnet!