empowers to discover new science by enabling
nanoscale optical analysis at cryogenic temperatures down to <10 K
using best-in-class s-SNOM & nano-FTIR technologies
broader application range from visible to IR and even THz
using compatible neaspec illumination & detection modules
fast turnaround time & low-cost operation
using a fully automated closed-cycle high-vacuum dry-cryostat
cryo-neaSCOPE+xs enables near-field optical nanoimaging and nanospectroscopy at extreme cryogenic temperatures. It features high-quality near-field measurements in an unmatched spectral range from visible to IR and even THz frequencies. The system thus provides access to a full range of relevant energy scales and allows studying physical phenomena at temperatures down and below 10 K.
cryo-neaSCOPE+xs is based on a fully automated dry cryostat for easy cryogen-free operation with fastest in class turnaround times. The system provides confocal access to the sample and natively supports electrical transport measurements via integrated feedthroughs for ultimate cryogenic research.
Customer Feedback
Prof. Xuelin Zhu
University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale, China
After very successful scientific research with the neaSCOPE microscope, we now decided to bring our research to the next level with the brand-new ultra-low temperature cryo-neaSCOPE.
Prof. Frank Koppens
ICFO—Institut de Ciencies Fotoniques, Barcelona, Spain
With the neaSCOPE nanoscope, it was possible to “see” the light ripples moving on the graphene, about 300 times slower than light, and dramatically different from what is expected from classical physics laws.
Prof. Alexey Kuzmenko
University of Geneva, Switzerland
Using the cryo-neaSCOPE technology, we were able to observe unprecedented details in the electronic properties of materials, allowing us to push the boundaries of condensed matter physics.