

sets the benchmark in nanoscale tip-enhanced IR

universal performance on all types of materials

using simultaneous absorption & reflection detection

highest throughput without compromise on quality

using fastest & most reliable s-SNOM imaging & spectroscopy

unlimited configuration options (nano-FTIR, transmission, bottom illumination, photo-current...)

combining multi-port beam-path design with best-patented technologies

IR-neaSCOPE+s is designed for providing complete chemical analysis and field mapping at 10 nm spatial resolution. It utilizes state-of-the-art technologies of near-field microscopy to measure both IR absorption and reflectivity, as well as amplitude and phase of local electromagnetic fields.

It provides IR nanoimaging, point-spectroscopy and hyperspectral analysis with CW illumination sources as well as nano-FTIR spectroscopy using broadband lasers and synchrotron sources. IR-neaSCOPE+s excels in both organic and inorganic materials analysis providing the broadest range of demonstrated applications and novel near-field methodologies such as quantitative s-SNOM or sub-surface measurements.

Customer Feedback

Dr. Fritz Keilmann

Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München, Co-Founder and Scientific-Advisor, Munich, Germany

A unique advantage of the neaSCOPE microscope is that it can be applied to many fields of scientific research such as Chemistry, Semiconductor Technology, Polymer Science and even Life-Science.

Prof. Qiaoliang Bao

ISoochow University, Key Laboratory for Carbon-Based Functional Materials and Devices, China

Our neaSCOPE microscope enabled us to maximize our scientific output. It also strengthens the collaboration with several partners worldwide.

Dr. Raul Freitas

Centro Nacional de Pesquisa em Energia e Materiais (CNPEM), Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron (LNLS), Brazil

Already after the first day of the system installation we have been able to measure publishable data.

Prof. Peng Jiang

Dalian Institute of ChemicalPhysics State Key Laboratory of Catalysis, China

Surfaces & interfaces play an important role in physical chemistry. The neaSCOPE microscope is the ideal tool to study two-dimensional materials, energy conversion & storage. It allows us full access to surface chemical information & modification at the highest spatial resolution.