microscopes, scanning probe microscopes, ppms spm


officially endorsed by Quantum Design for the PPMS®

attocube systems‘ scanning probe microscope family (AFM, MFM, CFM, Raman) is also available for any 1” (25 mm) bore size cryostat, in particular the Quantum Design PPMS®. Despite their compactness, all xs-microscopes provide a coarse travel range of 3 x 3 x 2.5 mm³ and a scan range of 15 x 15 μm² at low temperature (4 K).

The outstanding stability of the microscopes allows investigation of nm-sized structures with highest resolution. PPMS users can thus complement their existing equipment with a whole range of versatile tools for state-of-the-art research on the nanometer scale.

Low vibration levels are a crucial prerequisite for any kind of scanning probe microscopy experiment. Hence, each xs-microscope is accompanied by a suitable attoDAMP anti-vibration cabinet, tailor-made for the corresponding cryostat, be it a standard PPMS dewar, LN2 shielded with or without high-capacity, or equipped with a reliquefier or EverCool option. attocube even covers the environmental shield option with a extra-large heavy-duty attoDAMP version to make sure your planned experiment runs smoothly in your existing dewar (see compatibility chart below for performance details).  

Thanks to the close and long-standing relationship between Quantum Design and attocube, a smooth installation as well as flawless operation of the PPMS-SPM instruments is ensured, as proven in numerous laboratories worldwide.

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microscopes, scanning probe, ppms spm, afm/mfm i

attoAFM/MFM Ixs

Ultra-stable, compact atomic/magnetic force microscope with interferometric deflection detection for highest stability and sensitivity. Also capable of KPFM, PFM and ct-AFM.

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microscopes, ppms spm, cfmixs und iixs

attoCFM Ixs

Ultra-stable, compact confocal microscope based on free-beam optics for maximum flexibility.

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Schematics of PPMS-SPM

microscopes, scanning probe, ppms spm, aufbau

  1. attoCONTROL electronics rack
  2. attoDAMP anti-vibration cabinet
  3. suspended liquid helium dewar (e.g. PPMS*)
  4. superconducting magnet
  5. microscope insert
  6. microscope module centered in magnetic field

*except Dynacool dewar