
Nanonis TrameaTM

The software is the instrument! The Nanonis Tramea™ software provides a superior “one fits all framework” with impressive embedded functionality. Yet, it is easily expandable for customized experiments using either the existing add-on modules or user-programmed functions. Based on more than 30 man-years of development and with an excellent track record for reliability the Tramea™ software can significantly increase day-to-day efficiency and productivity.

All data are acquired simultaneously and transmitted to all software instruments at all times . This means that  up to 24 Inputs, up to 48 outputs and a large number of internal signals are seamlessly accessible throughout the entire Nanonis software. Any signal can be selected in any module for observation, acquisition or noise analysis without affecting other modules. The signals  are displayed in physical units (SI),  and linear combinations of output signals, slew-rate limitations and global voltage limits can be individually configured. Tools like Spectrum Analyzers, Oscilloscopes graphs and signal charts allow continuous monitoring and analysis of any signal


A fast sweeper module capable of two- and three-dimensional sweeps  can generate and acquire up to 20’000 points per second on 24 channels in parallel. That’s up to 1000x faster than current systems, without any compromise in signal quality. It  combines the speed of a waveform generator with the performance of a precision DC source. Further time optimizations are possible with Intelligent adaptive oversampling , which optimizes measurement speed based on the acquired signal. A Multidimensional sweep module allows Measurements with  more  than three axes.

Direct control and readout of external instruments from within the software allows seamless integration of  external hardware. For even further flexibility a generic TCP/IP interface, a LabVIEW programming interface, and a scripting module offer plenty of customization possibilities.

A quantum dot simulator lets you explore the complete Nanonis Tramea™ measurement system  and test measurement routines as if it were connected to a real quantum dot . It includes the full feature set of the software.


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standard set-up 500.000 measurement points
(11h 15 min)

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Tramea 500.000 measurement points
(36 minutes)

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Tramea 10.000 measurement points
(less than 2 minutes)